Ace of Wands
Ace of Wands Upright
The Ace of Wands, in its upright form, is an energetic card as are all Wand cards. It speaks to a new influx of energy that feels exciting and a little wild. The best way to utilize this energy is to stay spontaneous and get moving. This card is all about building that momentum and taking advantage of this vital force encouraging you to make your dreams come true.
Nourish that spark of inspiration so the flame doesn’t go out. It matters less here where you go as long as you get moving. Don’t waste the potential of this Ace energy. Forward movement is more important than the destination. Pay special attention to the things that ignite your passions and excite your senses.
It’s time for a delicious transformation!
Ace of Wands Reversed
Reversed, The Ace of Wands is still energetic but signals a slower-moving transformation. New possibilities are emerging, but it is too soon to tell which direction you should move in. Protect this incubation period, as it will lead to a more fertile project when you are ready to bring it into the world.
Work slowly and quietly on these new developments. Talking about them right now would take away from your ability to conjure. Then, when it is time to take action, be loud, be bold, and don’t hesitate!
The Bruja’s Guide to Tarot is the divination sister to the scholarly The Bruja Professor, a witchy take on literature, the occult & pop culture, and Enchantment Learning & Living, an inspirational blog celebrating life’s simple pleasures, everyday mysticism, and delectable recipes that are guaranteed to stir the kitchen witch in you.
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