Enchantment Learning & Living Blog

Welcome to Enchantment Learning & Living, the inspirational space where I write about the simple pleasures, radical self-care, and everyday magic that make life delicious.

On Afternoon Midweek Movie Watching

It is the best time to watch a movie. While technically having less romance than a night at the theater and missing the coziness of a flick night at home, a weekday afternoon spent in a theater has its own kind of glamor and thrill.

First, you know you should be ironing out the details of your lesson plans or finally finishing off those tasks on your to-do list.  But instead, you are one of the few people at the movies, enjoying the cool air and the faint whiff of popcorn.  Second, you relish the fact that is really only you and a handful of other people in the large expanse of the theater, making it feel as if the whole movie is spun in its reel just for you.  It was your sister who first taught you the glory of afternoon movie watching, of entering the dark cave to be told a story, to lose track of time and emerge into the late afternoon sunlight reborn, refreshed. 

Your first afternoon mid-week movie happened years ago, on another late summer day just like this one.  It was Mama Mia and there was only you and a little old lady who clapped furiously when the film was over.  Then, too, you could have been gearing up for school but chose instead to indulge in the sanctity of story-telling, the comfort of being sucked into another world, another time even if (or especially because?) it was to an ABBA soundtrack.

Now you find it has been too long since you had the theater almost to yourself, too long since you forgot about regular schedules and simply enjoyed a luxurious afternoon at the movies.  So you take in another film, Magic in the Moonlight, with your mother after an unexpectedly large glass of wine for lunch that served to leave you both pleasantly relaxed.  Over the previews, you both giggle over the surprisingly accurate comments of the two elderly women in front of you: "That movie looks too heavy," "I'd see that," "Oh dear, who would want to watch that on Christmas day?" 

For a little while, you are blissfully lost in a world of jazz and flapper girl style and the French countryside and a story that only serves to punctuate your belief that magic is in every corner of life--including an almost-empty movie theater in the middle of a hot summer weekday afternoon.

Enchantment Learning & Living is an inspirational blog celebrating life’s simple pleasures, everyday mysticism, and delectable recipes that are guaranteed to stir the kitchen witch in you. If you enjoyed what you just read and believe that true magic is in the everyday, subscribe to my newsletter below for regular doses of enchantment. Want even more inspiration? Follow me on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter. Here’s to a magical life!

Spicy Okra Fries

Okra is one of those fruits that I only ever eat when I can get it at the farmers market. I love gathering rich purple and green spears to use in stir fries, to pickle, and to make into fries that are juicy on the inside and crisp on the outside.  They taste all the more magical because their season is so short.  Now is the time to stock up on the delectable treats and enjoy them any way you can. 

This year, I dabbled in a new recipe, eager to put together my New Mexican love of red chile and blue corn with these okra spears, a nice blend of crisp outsides and gooey insides.  Thus, my spicy okra fries were born.  They pair well with my aioli and work beautifully as a side dish or appetizer.


1/2 pound okra

1/8 cup flour

1/8 blue corn flour

1/8 breadcrumbs

1/8 cup nutritional yeast

1 tablespoon red chile powder

salt to taste

2 eggs, beaten

Preheat oven 400 degrees.  Slice okra spears in half.  Combine dried ingredients in a shallow bowl.  Place beaten eggs in another shallow bowl.  Working a few spear halves at a time, dip halves into eggs and then into the flour mix.  Line battered halves on an unlined baking sheet. Cook okra spears 25 minutes at 400 degrees, making sure to turn them once halfway through. Serves 2-4.  Enjoy!

Enchantment Learning & Living is an inspirational blog celebrating life’s simple pleasures, everyday mysticism, and delectable recipes that are guaranteed to stir the kitchen witch in you. If you enjoyed what you just read and believe that true magic is in the everyday, subscribe to my newsletter below for regular doses of enchantment. Want even more inspiration? Follow me on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter. Here’s to a magical life!

Under the Influence of M.F.K. Fisher

It started with reading M.F. K. Fisher in the bubble bath.  About her time in France and her search for the perfect martini there, of all things.  She never found it but happily made do with a glass of rose for aperitif.  Before that you were enjoying another unassuming Monday night, looking forward to a simple salad and turning in early to read and drink tea.

But then you found yourself under the influence of M.F.K. Fisher.

You simply couldn't shake the description of the pink-glassed aperitif, of the rich musing of her first meals in France, the way food and wine served to punctuate the passionate episodes of her life.  As the bubbles faded in your bath and your thoughts turned toward dinner, your simple weeknight meal suddenly became an opportunity for more.

A quick scan of the fridge told you that there was still a half bottle of rose chilling and a few small wedges of nice cheese, not to mention the mountain of farmers' market vegetables.  You must make aioli, you decided, to dip your perfect radishes in.  And there is nothing to throwing together a small cheese plate of deep veined blue and ripe tilsiter cheeses, fat castelventrano and bella di cerignola olives.  And why not put on some old jazz tunes so that the whispers of French love songs float through the air in time to your gentle whisking of eggs and olive oil?  Soon your apartment was transported to Provence and full of M.F.K. Fisher's joie de vivre. 

The rose was dry and mineral-y on your lips, tasting only faintly of tart cherries and ripe strawberries.  You savored the ritual of whisking together your aioli, that perfect blend of garlic, egg yolks, and olive oil, as well as lining your plate with purple beans and radishes and tomatoes to dip in your sauce.  All at once your dinner was ready, your Monday night turned into a vibrant celebration, a feast for the senses.

Like M.F. K. Fisher, you forgot about the world for a moment, about everything but this sensuous meal, simply prepared and enjoyed to the fullest.

Enchantment Learning & Living is an inspirational blog celebrating life’s simple pleasures, everyday mysticism, and delectable recipes that are guaranteed to stir the kitchen witch in you. If you enjoyed what you just read and believe that true magic is in the everyday, subscribe to my newsletter below for regular doses of enchantment. Want even more inspiration? Follow me on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter. Here’s to a magical life!

5 Ways to Make the Most of Summer's End

Summer is almost at an end.  School is starting.  The green chile is being harvested and roasted here in New Mexico and the mornings are just a teensy bit cooler.  If you're a teacher like me, you're working on lesson plans and course outlines in preparation for the coming semester.  In fact, August always seem to be a fine balance between enjoying the most of summer's end (blissfully unstructured time!) and preparing for my fall classes (aka getting sh** done).  While I am excited about fall--apples, freshly sharpened pencils, pumpkins, and crisp mornings--it can be easy to let the demands of work become so consuming that the last days of summer vanish before I can fully enjoy them.  So in an attempt to take advantage of these extra days before school starts, I've come up with a few tips to make the most of summer's end.

1.  Schedule play time...and nap time.  Yes, the semester is infinitely easier if you can get your lesson plans in order before the first day of school, but that doesn't mean you have to say goodbye to goofing around.  If you want to enjoy an afternoon swimming or reading or napping, pencil it in to make sure you don't put it off.  You can thank me later!

2.  Take advantage of the farmers' market.  Nothing says summer like fresh produce.  Get out and enjoy local ingredients for a deliciously fresh dinner.  An ordinary meal turns into a culinary adventure when you go to the farmers' market to enjoy a summer feast.  Summer is all about spontaneity and spur-of-the-moment enjoyment.  Nothing says that more than biting into a ripe peach fresh from market stands or throwing an impromptu picnic. Seize the day!

3.  Get outside.  Enjoy nature by taking long walks, stargazing, tending your garden...all those outdoor things that make summer special.  With the changing of the seasons comes more time indoors, so enjoy the deliciousness of outside while you don't have to wear a jacket.

4.  Do less, not more.  This is a great rule of thumb for your life in general, but especially now that you might feel yourself gearing up for fall--yes even if you're not a teacher, the fall can signal a time of renewed industry.  Make a conscious effort to trim the fat out of your schedule (unnecessary errands, over-committing to social events) in favor of more time for self-care.  This way when you are busier, it is easy to stick to your self-care routine and gentle lifestyle rather than getting caught up in the frenzy of the new school year.

5.  Make the transition a celebration!  I love the changing seasons. In fact, I almost love these transitional moments between each full blown season more than the four seasons themselves.  There is something akin to possibility wafting in the air during this liminal time as if every day magic is fully exposed in nature as it shows off the bounty of summer harvest while preparing for the turning of leaves in fall.  All of which are worthy of a celebration and deep enjoyment.  Remember those farmers markets I was talking about?  Why not take all that juicy produce and have a summer harvest party?  Dance under the light of the moon, stay up late reading at night, wake up early to bask in the cool air, search for ladybugs in the grass...simply take the time to celebrate this gorgeous season change and last light of summer in any way you can.

Enchantment Learning & Living is an inspirational blog celebrating life’s simple pleasures, everyday mysticism, and delectable recipes that are guaranteed to stir the kitchen witch in you. If you enjoyed what you just read and believe that true magic is in the everyday, subscribe to my newsletter below for regular doses of enchantment. Want even more inspiration? Follow me on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter. Here’s to a magical life!

On Peaches

You were lured out of your home today with the promise of perfectly ripe peaches from your farmers' market.  They are like August, lush and full of summer sunlight, almost overripe after a season of sunbathing.

It is the soft fuzz on their skin that you first enjoy.  You roll your thumb over it as you grip a firm peach in your hand, the white fuzz a gentle contrast to the red and yellow blush of its skin.  You feel for firmness first, that tricky balance of ripe but not too ripe, a hefty weight in your hand that promises sweet juiciness without bruising or mush.  You look for a saturation of rose and mustard in their coloring, not the anemic green-butter wash and faded berry stains of a fruit plucked too soon from its tree.  No, you want your peach full of life and juice.

You add perhaps too many peaches to your basket at the market, telling yourself you can always make a cobbler or pie, knowing full well your edible jewels won't last that long.  You pile them carefully on top of one another so as to prevent bruising.  When you get home you just look at them for a bit, as if to take one out of the pile and sink your teeth into it would somehow break the spell, making you forever hungry for this fleshy fruit even after your happy pile dwindles to nothing under your voracious appetite. 

But the feeling doesn't last long; that mound of ripe fruit is too tempting to resist.  Eat one you must.  You take the peach on the top, the one with its green leaves still attached to it and, without any attempt to control yourself any longer, sink your teeth into it, feeling the fuzzy soft skin break under the weight of your bite.  Your mouth is flooded with the tangy sweet taste of its juices, your tongue rolling over the velvety softness of its flesh.  You don't really pause long enough to enjoy that first bite or any of the others, but simply keep taking one bite after another of the peach as juice dribbles down your chin and hand, until there is nothing left but the pit with only a few bits of yellow flesh sticking to it.

This--this feeling of ripe sunshine in your mouth and sticky hands: this is summer.

Enchantment Learning & Living is an inspirational blog celebrating life’s simple pleasures, everyday mysticism, and delectable recipes that are guaranteed to stir the kitchen witch in you. If you enjoyed what you just read and believe that true magic is in the everyday, subscribe to my newsletter below for regular doses of enchantment. Want even more inspiration? Follow me on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter. Here’s to a magical life!

On Crocheting Infinite Blankets

Each stitch is a piece of woven intention, a slip of yarn looped around another to bind your healing, nourishing thoughts into the blankets you create.  They are tapestries of a happy life you conjure every time you pick up your needle and yarn. 

Your first was a monstrous purple affair crocheted with only a series of what you now know are half-stitches.  But you and your sisters were set on crocheting your own infinite blankets after watching the heroine in Like Water for Chocolate knit an endless blanket and ride off into the sunset with her creation blazing behind her.  Yes, you needed blankets like that, and so you rustled together old crochet hooks from your mother's stash and bought spools and spools of yarn and crocheted and crocheted for years and years.  Together you crocheted hopes for love and adventure and deep living into the folds of your blankets.  After two or three years of busily working on your infinite blankets while watching old movies or over long conversations, you decided your masterpiece was finished.  It sits folded at the foot of your bed now, twice the size of any normal blanket, and twice as full of history and love.

Your second infinite blanket came to you in graduate school.  This one was your one and only attempt at knitting a blanket.  It was a wish made of mustard and cranberry yarn, a series of stripes to keep you warm and of the living in the land of the cold and the gray.  Like your graduate school experience, knitting was less forgiving of your mistakes as you fumbled your way through these more sophisticated stitches.  There was no do-over, as with your trusty crochet hook, no re-knits to iron out the kinks.  Your only option was to start over completely if you lost a stitch or to keep blazing forward. 

You chose the latter.  Looking back had always seemed like a waste, perfection seriously overrated.  No, you preferred these flaws and holes in your blanket, the better to let bad spirits escape according to an old legend native to your beloved Southwest, learned from your mother.  Three years down the road, this one was three times the length any proper blanket should be; you could almost trail it along the perimeter of your apartment twice over if you wanted, although you'd much rather snuggle into the all encompassing folds of that deliciously imperfect but utterly complete blanket.

You are working on a new one now, this one moving slower than the others.  Almost four years in the making and still only a fraction of it complete.  But you want to take your time with this one.  A bright turquoise and crocheted (yes, you want the forgiving stitch) in a series of shells.  It is longer than the others, and it will be the strongest, the most infinite.  It is your New Mexico blanket, each stitch infused with your love of the desert, begun with the intention of weaving together a life you always imagined embodying: teaching, writing, living in the Land of Enchantment.  Yes, this one is still in progress and may always be.  You work on another infinite blanket too, though this one is not for you. It is the bold pink synonymous with your desert aesthetic, a plucky color bound together in a generous crocheted stitch, so that your niece may live and love and be in the world fearlessly, boldly, and know that she is surrounded by warmth and affection.  It is for the new generation of women in your family, a new generation that, like you and your sisters did together so long ago, will crochet and conjure.

Enchantment Learning & Living is an inspirational blog celebrating life’s simple pleasures, everyday mysticism, and delectable recipes that are guaranteed to stir the kitchen witch in you. If you enjoyed what you just read and believe that true magic is in the everyday, subscribe to my newsletter below for regular doses of enchantment. Want even more inspiration? Follow me on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter. Here’s to a magical life!


Ghee, that magical clarified butter, is one of those foods that is good for you body and soul--and a cinch to make!  Basically, making ghee is all about separating the milk solids and impurities from the butter itself so that you are left with good-for-you fats, vitamins A, C, and E, anti-inflammatory properties, and a host of digestive benefits.  On top of that, Ayurvedic wisdom tells us that ghee is one of the purest and energetically replenishing foods we can eat to nourish our spirit. 

According to them, ghee is infused with the energy we put into it, helping us to replenish our natural life force.  And it makes sense if you think about it. Like with anything you cook, you put your own energy and love into whatever it is you are making.  It's kind of like a proverbial spell or kitchen magic that gets conjured every time we fire up the stove and prepare a meal for ourselves and loved ones.  However you like to think of it, when you make this ghee--or anything else--it's a good idea to infuse your food with nourishing, happy thoughts.  Who would want to eat food that's made with anything else?

My sister taught me how to make this over the weekend because I have long loved the depth of flavor ghee gives to the dishes she cooks.  It has all the richness of butter, without the bad fats.  You can also play around with the depth of butter browning.  I like my butter to get a little toasty because it deepens the flavor to a smokey caramel.  If you don't like that taste, you can always pull the butter off the stove sooner.  Make sure to use unsalted butter because it is a higher quality than its salted cousin.  Ghee's high smoking point makes it ideal for a stir fry and other high-temp cooking.  It also elevates a simple piece of toast to something akin to the divine.  This recipe is for a smaller batch so feel free to double (or triple!) it if you know you will be using a lot of ghee.


1/2 cup (1 stick) of unsalted butter

Place butter in a small saucepan and let melt on medium-low heat for about 5 minutes until butter melts.  You will begin to see the top get opaque.  This is how you know the clear fats (below) are separating from the dairy fats (on the top).

Once you see that, continue cooking butter until it begins to bubble.  Allow to keep cooking for about 5-10 minutes, or until butter browns and the bubbles begin to get smaller.  Then remove from heat an strain through cheesecloth or a metal strainer into a mason jar for storage. Your strainer will have some gunk in it--the dairy fat and other junk--which you can just throw out.

Allow to cool completely before using.  Store in pantry (no refrigeration necessary!) for up to three months (although really, you will gobble this all up before then).  Makes 1/2 cup. 

Enchantment Learning & Living is an inspirational blog celebrating life’s simple pleasures, everyday mysticism, and delectable recipes that are guaranteed to stir the kitchen witch in you. If you enjoyed what you just read and believe that true magic is in the everyday, subscribe to my newsletter below for regular doses of enchantment. Want even more inspiration? Follow me on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter. Here’s to a magical life!

On Dreaming Under the Supermoon

You were in my house last night, ephemeral tendrils of light seeping through my window and curling around my body as I slept.  I didn't see you, but I could feel you sweeping away debris from my mind and old skins from my body one gentle caress at a time.

You bathed and cleansed old wounds and shed light on the darker corners of my mind, allowing me to release burdens I didn't know I was carrying.  You held me in your arms as I dreamed deeply of things long past and those to come, of the here and now, and of the realms that only exist when I close my eyes. 

After a week of letting go of old selves, of things, old ways of thinking, I return to my dream realms to finish the task of unburdening myself from people I will and never should be.  You, supermoon, help me with this, with your larger than life wisdom casting hope, rebirth, gentle understanding into the shadows of my home, myself.

You, dear moon, reinforce the necessity of gentleness in my life, of the feminine virtues so often undervalued in this world of loud and busy.  No, you say, that is not your road.  You tell me that I am a daughter of the moon, of the stars and midnight, of the quiet hours of reflection, the mistress of secrets revealed only in the hush of late hours and moonlight. 

Today is the day I feel this transformation most, as I shake off sleep and turn those quiet hours of healing into a gentle industry and forward movement.  The metamorphosis happens now when last night it was enough to dream my dreams and let your light wash over me.

Enchantment Learning & Living is an inspirational blog celebrating life’s simple pleasures, everyday mysticism, and delectable recipes that are guaranteed to stir the kitchen witch in you. If you enjoyed what you just read and believe that true magic is in the everyday, subscribe to my newsletter below for regular doses of enchantment. Want even more inspiration? Follow me on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter. Here’s to a magical life!

On Pulp Fiction Books


In these, you give yourself permission to judge a book by its cover.  The verdict?  Sizzling hot!  Full of searing scandal and lusty dames, shameless rogues and sinister villains.  Buy them you must, just as you must run your hands over their worn covers and imagine all the sordid deeds seeping through each page--almost soiling you as if you are guilty by association...and rather enjoying it.

These books throw virtue out the window, just as they reject any pretense at literary grandeur in favor of grit and sin and a yarn spun so well you're dizzy after reading it.  Their covers are a cold hard promise of people behaving badly--and liking it as much as you love reading about it.  It's all about base instincts and tawdry actions.

They are the books no one wants to admit to reading, to wanting; the ones that kindle your imagination the most just by their covers alone.  This is why you love them, why you give them a prized place on your bookshelves and writing desk and nightstand.  These books, out of all the others, remind you that you are human, made of bone and skin and blood, of heat and heart, of wisdom far deeper than the thin veneer of respectability you are tempted to commit to with a quick purchase of some old classic or other.

So you surround yourself with these pulp pops of humanity, theses thin slivers of juicy life full to bursting with bright flashes of human experience, these over-the-top exaggerations of what it means to bite into life and savor every moment, the good, the bad, the pulp.

Enchantment Learning & Living is an inspirational blog celebrating life’s simple pleasures, everyday mysticism, and delectable recipes that are guaranteed to stir the kitchen witch in you. If you enjoyed what you just read and believe that true magic is in the everyday, subscribe to my newsletter below for regular doses of enchantment. Want even more inspiration? Follow me on InstagramFacebookPinterest, and Twitter. Here’s to a magical life!

On an Unexpected Feast of Books

You hadn't planned on visiting a used bookstore (your favorite kind) today, but you should have known better; an OPEN sign and a window full of books are always more than enough to lure you into the waiting embrace of any bookstore, if only for a moment.  You should have also remembered that you find exactly the books you are looking for on these unplanned bookstore visits, never on the ones you deliberately pencil in.  It's some cosmic rule that when you forget to think too hard about your list of desired books that the ones you've been waiting for--and the ones you didn't know you needed--will fall right in your lap.


So there you were, running your fingers along the spines of worn and well-used books, pouring over each section of this house-turned-store.  There in the old kitchen sat philosophy, over there in a would-be pantry, old classics a buck a piece.  You spent more time in a closet turned sword and sorcery den, but didn't get swept away until you found a rack of vintage pulp books, the kind with lusty dames and robust fellas on them, each with their own provocative taglines.  You're a sucker for those splashy covers and tawdry tales, always have been even before school officially ended your love affair with Serious Reading.

So you find one of those pulp beauties to add to your collection--the history of an audacious young seaman...who dueled and prayed and sinned his way to magnificent adventure!  Or so the back of the book tells you.  The cover, well, you know the kind of picture it likes to paint.

But it isn't until you are almost out the door with this find that you stumble upon a shelf in the cookbook section and find yourself face to face with a row of books you have been searching for some time and a few you didn't know existed.  There, stacked together like old cronies were a long-searched-for Nero Wolf Cookbook, a must have for any fan of food or this classic mystery series, and a collection of M.F.K. Fisher and Julia Child books you simply must own.  These women of food and words (much like yourself) feed your soul and your mind as they titillate your palate. 

Yes, you must have these.  And the Gone with the Wild Cookbook too, for much the same reasons as you need your swashbuckling pirate pulp adventure, for the cover and the idea more that the story or a recipe for classic Southern grits.  And then there is the novel about cheese and something whimsical; you don't know much more about it but that you must read it.  It has all the makings of a perfect bubble bath read.  These you sweep into your arms, unable to curb your hunger for such tasty reads.

You can already picture your afternoon with your new books spread out on your bed, a tea tray sitting next to you as you flip through one and then another book, lost in a myriad of worlds, feasting on new ideas and images and experiences.  These books, this feast of pulp and culinary musings and tributes to perfectly imaged worlds are a reflection of you.  You are a creature made up of good books and good meals, food experiments and word experiments, usually with a side of wine and cheese.

Enchantment Learning & Living is an inspirational blog celebrating life’s simple pleasures, everyday mysticism, and delectable recipes that are guaranteed to stir the kitchen witch in you. If you enjoyed what you just read and believe that true magic is in the everyday, subscribe to my newsletter below for regular doses of enchantment. Want even more inspiration? Follow me on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter. Here’s to a magical life!

My Home, Myself After Cleaning Out My Closets

There is nothing but space and light where once old lives and whispers of the past used to live. It is a delicious feeling of wholeness in the empty spaces carved out of your closets and cabinets, a sweet fullness in yourself as you acknowledge that to move forward you must let go of the remnants of other selves haunting your home.

Your bedroom closet now resembles those spacious, clutter-free works of art you see in home magazines: everything in its place, easy to see and flip through as you prepare for your day one piece of your ensemble at a time.  It is now your collection of things that make you who you are, plates of armor that protect you as you make your way in the world, bits of art that you proudly display on your body, visual expressions of your inner essence.  Gone are the things that you once tried to fit into.  You said farewell to the too tame traditional wardrobe staples that will never be your style.  And another to the outlier impulse purchases that gave only a brief flash of confidence as you swiped your credit card to purchase them, only to get home and realize you are not, in fact, a woman who will ever wear this or that.

Your hallway closet--your storage closet--too is blissfully organized with seldom used but necessary things: the bin of winter holiday decorations, the file box of important papers (whittled down after shredding several years' worth of unnecessary ephemera), the stack of boxes, reserved for future moves.  And yet it breathes free and easy from the one hundred other things you stuffed in there--Very Important Documents that, you realize, you have not touched for over a year and, in fact, had forgotten about, and so must not be so Very Important after all.

Your home feels this lightening up as if each piece of clothing or old household item you donated has liberated it in the same way it has liberated you.  It can breathe again, no longer weighed down by things that don't belong there.  You love this lightness and want to nourish it as it nourishes you.  You don't want to weigh it down with anything else or fill up those spaces with something new.  You simply want to enjoy the new space you've created, both in your home and in you, new space, new life that you can grow into.  For now, it is enough to know it is there, a bubble of potential.

Enchantment Learning & Living is an inspirational blog celebrating life’s simple pleasures, everyday mysticism, and delectable recipes that are guaranteed to stir the kitchen witch in you. If you enjoyed what you just read and believe that true magic is in the everyday, subscribe to my newsletter below for regular doses of enchantment. Want even more inspiration? Follow me on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter. Here’s to a magical life!

Orange You Glad You Can Have Earrings Like This?

I know what you are thinking: what ARE these things?  Are they oranges?  Or are they leather? Are they earrings?  Are they magical?  The answer to all these questions is YES!

These earrings are one of a kind wonders made by my sister, Victoria, a Fulbright Scholar and artists living in Florence, Italy with her writer husband (talk about livin' the good life!).  Her earrings are inspired by her orange peel art in which she cures and sews orange peels into tapestries, installations, and other living pieces of art.  Her Fulbright work in Florence took her to the world-famous tanneries in Italy where she learned how to turn orange peels into fruit leather using the ancient methods of leather tanning there. 

Some of her original orange peel art includes this house she built from wood and oranges peels she stitched together called Accumulated Matter.  Here's the exterior of that project...

...and the interior.  It smelled heavenly in there, like sweet oranges!  And the thin, cured strips of orange peels shine like stained glass along this small building, making it feel like a sacred citrus sanctuary.

Her more recent work included a solo exhibition in Florence where she got to showcase her orange peel work with her new tanning methods which made her peels more flexible than her previous curing procedures. This image below features her orange peel scroll, called Cascade, which was a prominent piece in her Alchemical Orange Project:

So how did that larger than life art become epic teeny tiny orange peel earrings? Victoria explains it perfectly when she says, "I wanted to play with the notion of how art can be displayed, as there are many critical dialogues that challenge exhibiting art in the normal context of a gallery."

She goes on to explain, "I think of my earrings as wearable sculptures...In this way, the relationship between art and daily life is fluid and effortless."

Wearable art? Heck yes! 

Victoria also likes to play with the idea of refuse and discarded material--here the orange peel and arguably the least desirable part of the orange (we all typically go for the sweet fruit in the middle, rather than the bitter skin). 

She says, "I want to encourage people to question the way that we use materials and what we consider valuable or useless in order to encourage new perspectives about seeing the beauty and potential in something that is normally overlooked."

So if you want some one-of-a-kind wildly inventive citrusy wearable art made from a top secret tanning process known only to Victoria, you really should check out her earrings on Etsy.  Each pair is unique and handmade, so you won't ever find someone with a pair quite like yours.  I already have a pair and can't wait to get more!  Which brings me to my last question: Orange you glad there are artists out there who see the world through orange-peel-shaped lenses? I sure am, for it reminds us to enjoy the whimsy and playfulness of life and to look for enchantment in the often overlooked thing, like peels, in our day-to-day living.

Enchantment Learning & Living is an inspirational blog celebrating life’s simple pleasures, everyday mysticism, and delectable recipes that are guaranteed to stir the kitchen witch in you. If you enjoyed what you just read and believe that true magic is in the everyday, subscribe to my newsletter below for regular doses of enchantment. Want even more inspiration? Follow me on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter. Here’s to a magical life!

On the Woman I Will Always Be, the Clothes I Will Always Wear

To the older than sin peasant skirt, twice altered and infinitely-mended: I love you.  You are my Laura Ingalls Wilder skirt, always worn while making tortillas on cozy fall afternoons or during early mornings weeding the garden.  Lace fringed and speckled with brown and pink flowers like freckles of a farm fresh egg: you remind me that peace is always found by getting lost in a good book or a corner of my plot of land.  You are the Pioneer Woman in me that feeds my trailblazing soul, allergic to being fenced in, lover of horizon-to-horizon space, mountains and sky my ever present companions. 

To my mother's brown cashmere coat: I love you.  I suppose people would call you vintage now, with your A-line silhouette and the elegance that speaks of a night at the theater.  Worn only for special occasions, you bring me the grace and the poise of my mother, a valuable asset in this rough and tumble world.  You remind me that every outing is a special occasion, every event worthy of a stylish ensemble.  You are the Sophisticated Lady to which I aspire, the timeless icon of the self-assured womanhood.

To my polka dot dresses, all of them: I especially love you.  You bring a bounce to my step and remind me that it is always a good idea to flirt with life--because life always flirts back.  You lift heaviness from my heart and fill it with song.  You make me want to twirl and giggle and go off adventuring.  You bring out the Hedonist in me.

To all the scarves I've knitted: love, love, love.  You are stitched from the Nourisher in me. Life, you say, is a symphony for the senses--color, texture, memory, all woven into your warming embrace.  As are the scarves gifted to me--you are hugs from my loved ones, each stitch a token of the history and love between us. 

And to my leggings and tunics: come Saturday, I love you most of all because you make me feel like I am not wearing any clothes at all.  Yes, you reflect the Happy Nudist in me who gladly gives up my weekday costumes for comfort and stretch, just as I tuck away my vibrant weekday persona for the quiet creature in love with large mugs of tea and naps and homey tasks.

Yes.  That is the woman I will always be: the Hedonistic-Happy-Nudist-Sophisticated-Lady-Pioneer.

Enchantment Learning & Living is an inspirational blog celebrating life’s simple pleasures, everyday mysticism, and delectable recipes that are guaranteed to stir the kitchen witch in you. If you enjoyed what you just read and believe that true magic is in the everyday, subscribe to my newsletter below for regular doses of enchantment. Want even more inspiration? Follow me on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter. Here’s to a magical life!

Tomato & Mozzarella Salad

Earlier in the week, I posted my Cherry Tomato Summer Salad, an easy, refreshing dish that highlights that flavors of this perfect summer fruit.  Since you know my love for a good tomato borders on the pornographic (remember my effusions on the first tomatoes from my own garden?), I thought I'd offer you another tomato salad recipe, this one just as simple and delicious as the last. 

It makes a perfect light meal or a great side dish for an Italian dinner.  I love making this salad for Sunday pasta night with my family!  It has a big wow factor, both in taste and presentation, but takes only five minutes to prepare.  Unlike traditional tomato and mozzarella salads, I go easy on the cheese, using it more as an accent to the tomatoes rather than as a competing flavor.  Feel free to play with the types of tomatoes you use too.  I used more yellow pear, chocolate rose, and sun gold cherry tomatoes here, but the recipe can easily be tweaked to accommodate what you have on hand.


4 cups cherry tomatoes

8oz small mozzarella balls (one container)

1/2 cup basil

3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

3 tablespoons white wine vinegar

salt & pepper to taste

Place washed cherry tomatoes in salad bowl.  Slice mozzarella balls (roughly the size of your cherry tomatoes) in half and add to your bowl.  Shred basil and add to salad, then stir until ingredients are combined.  Drizzle olive oil and vinegar over ingredients and stir until thoroughly mixed.  Add salt and pepper to taste and stir.  Serves 4 as a light meal or 6 as a side dish.  Enjoy!

Enchantment Learning & Living is an inspirational blog celebrating life’s simple pleasures, everyday mysticism, and delectable recipes that are guaranteed to stir the kitchen witch in you. If you enjoyed what you just read and believe that true magic is in the everyday, subscribe to my newsletter below for regular doses of enchantment. Want even more inspiration? Follow me on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter. Here’s to a magical life!

On Women I Will Never Be, Clothes I Will Never Wear

To the awkward Barbie high heels, I've only ever worn once: goodbye.  You never fit quite right.  You were the bright spectacles on my feet that I wore to give myself wings the day I defended my dissertation. I hobbled to my defense, your heels clack-clack-clacking in an undignified manner, reminding me that my former career path--a nun given herself over to scholarship, a Hardcore Intellectual--like you, did not fit me right. So goodbye.  I will never be that woman, tired and driven and ready to sacrifice everything, including her feet firmly planted on the ground, for a few scraps of old paper and old lives that no one cares to remember.  I am an intellectual, yes, but made of heart and blood as well.

To the white dress: goodbye.  I don't like white clothes.  And I am forced to press all the air out of my lungs to hoist your zipper over my ribcage and even then not without help.  All white doesn't suit me.  I am a woman of colors, of rich desert browns and turquoises and yellows and greens.  So goodbye at my vague attempt to be a Demure Girl.  I will not be silenced.

To the shoes I've never worn: goodbye.  You were bought on impulse as if to prove I could be anyone I wanted to be now that I was done with school.  You were tall, coated in thick black and purple stripes, looking like nothing if not bulbous spiders on my feet.  There was a faint dream that you would be worn for Girls Night Out or to clubs or to wherever women my age seemed to go on weekend nights.  But the only thing you ever did for me was take up space in my closet for this one simple reason: I will never be the Girls Night Out woman; there will be no loud bars or silly drunkenness, because I am not a girl or fond of crowds or having to miss the early morning hush because I've been out too late.  I am of the earth and the sky and the quiet of simple living.

To the fancy jacket lined with sequence and the purple polka dot dress: goodbye too.  I cannot wear you without feeling sad.  You are the Dashed Hope, the outfit worn to give me grace as I transitioned out of my old life, the outfit I wore in a desperate attempt to distance myself from the gray surrounding me.  It only partially worked.  You too must go, though it hurts a little.  I am always Sad Birthday Girl when I attempt to wear you as if the gray has stuck to your shine and began to absorb into my skin.  I cannot hold onto that sadness.  So I will give you away with the hopes that it will cleanse you of the burden of my past and you can be reborn into healing garments for someone else.

To the too-tight work pants I stuff myself into: most definitely goodbye.  I am not a Straight-laced Anything.  I am a teacher, plain and simple.  And one who likes bold dresses and A-line skirts.  I have learned to breathe in my profession, to honor my nature even as I make my way in the world, so you must go.  And to those stiff jeans--yes, goodbye to you too, for much the same reasons.  I have no room in my life for conventional restrictions.  My limbs are carved from yoga; my body caught up in a fluid daily dance of self-expression.  It will not take to the constraints of stiff fabric or conventional thoughts.  I am a woman of nature and breath, air, and light.

Goodbye to you all and many others.  I unburden my closet from your presence as I unburden myself from these women I never was and never will be. I will think twice about taking on robes and roles that are not my own, of cluttering my life with things I am not meant to have or be.

It is a sweet relief to create more room for the woman that I am.

Enchantment Learning & Living is an inspirational blog celebrating life’s simple pleasures, everyday mysticism, and delectable recipes that are guaranteed to stir the kitchen witch in you. If you enjoyed what you just read and believe that true magic is in the everyday, subscribe to my newsletter below for regular doses of enchantment. Want even more inspiration? Follow me on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter. Here’s to a magical life!

Cherry Tomato Summer Salad


What is summer without the delight of tomatoes fresh from the vine?  They taste like distilled sunshine and sweet, sweet earth...I could go on forever about these perfect summer jewels which is probably why I end up with piles of these delicious fruits in forms and varieties sitting on my kitchen counter ready to be devoured.  This especially true for cherry tomatoes that are like individually wrapped treats I can pop in my mouth like candy (only better because I don't really like candy, just clean, healthy food). 

One of my favorite ways to enjoy cherry tomatoes is to use them in this easy salad.  It celebrates the perfection of the heirloom cherry tomato with minimal ingredients to weight them down.  Think of it as a bread-less bruschetta.  The only real difference between my salad and a tomato bruschetta topping is the bitter dandelion greens I add to balance out the sweetness of the tomatoes.  Or you can almost think of it as a variation of my spicy cherry salad, minus the spice.

I like to use a variety of cherry tomatoes, here being yellow pear, chocolate rose, and sun gold (pictured below).  It doesn't matter what type of tomatoes--including larger varieties--you use as long as they are super fresh, either from your garden or the farmers market.  Store bought just won't give you the same taste.  Lastly, I keep the dressing light, just enough to coat the ingredients without overshadowing the tomatoes, and rarely use salt in my recipe since these fresh ingredients hardly need to coax out their flavor.  This dish makes a light summer dinner or a perfect side salad.



2 cups heirloom cherry tomatoes

1/2 cup dandelion greens

1/4 cup basil

1 garlic clove

1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar

1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil

salt to taste (optional)

Slice the heirloom tomatoes in half and place in a salad bowl.  Shred dandelion greens and basil and add to bowl, stirring until combined.  Mince garlic and add to bowl, stirring until combined.  Drizzle olive oil and vinegar to bowl and mix again.  Add salt of desired. Serves 2. Enjoy!

Enchantment Learning & Living is an inspirational blog celebrating life’s simple pleasures, everyday mysticism, and delectable recipes that are guaranteed to stir the kitchen witch in you. If you enjoyed what you just read and believe that true magic is in the everyday, subscribe to my newsletter below for regular doses of enchantment. Want even more inspiration? Follow me on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter. Here’s to a magical life!

On Farmers' Markets

You are a sucker for a good farmers' market, just as you can't resist the temptations of any grocery store.  You go there wanting to be seduced--by ripe heirloom tomatoes,  heaps of ruby radishes, and, if you're really luck, tangled nests of garlic scapes in the spring or juicy peaches near summer's end. 

It is best to go early, before the heat and the crowds bear down on you, before the tender greens and over-ripe fruits begin to wilt and soften under the sun's gaze.  For now, you enjoy the early morning coolness, made all the cooler today from the previous evening's monsoons that raged through the city; the sky is still coated in a blanket of clouds promising more rain.  The city is quiet, subdued.

It is good coffee you must have first in order to browse through the produce stands; it will hold you over until you decide what goods you truly want to commit to.  Its taste is dark and bitter on your tongue--tempting you to balance it out with one of the pastries piled high in several booths like edible artwork topped off with powdered sugar.  But no, you aren't ready to commit yet, not ready to give up the little thrill that blossoms in your belly with each temptation, each possibility.

As you wind your way through the stalls, you marvel at the jewel-like produce: amber carrots, emerald greens, butter yellow corn heads poking through pale green wisps of silk and husk.  You keep your eye out for pickling cucumbers (what is summer without homemade pickles?) and another for those culinary miracles of homegrown tomatoes--gone too soon from the stands--that needs only your teeth sinking into their flesh to make a perfect meal. 

When your coffee has dwindled in its cup and you have made a full circuit around the market, it is time to let yourself be fully seduced by the few items you can't stop thinking about, time to give into the temptation of peppery radishes, red and green okra spears, and tiny heirloom cherry tomatoes.  You return for your treats, already planning the week's meals which all somehow revolve around just washing and eat these earthly treasures raw.  At the last minute, you throw in a bouquet of wildflowers because farmers market flowers always make your nightstand look so lovely, make your mornings so much more delicious when you roll out of bed.

With a full heart and an even fuller canvas bag, you head home, content in your treats, excited to spread them out on your counter in a cornucopia of summer pleasure.

Enchantment Learning & Living is an inspirational blog celebrating life’s simple pleasures, everyday mysticism, and delectable recipes that are guaranteed to stir the kitchen witch in you. If you enjoyed what you just read and believe that true magic is in the everyday, subscribe to my newsletter below for regular doses of enchantment. Want even more inspiration? Follow me on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter. Here’s to a magical life!

A Love Letter to Summer Monsoons

You quiet my mind as you feed the earth.  The strength of your thunder, the flash of your lightening all serving to soothe the storm inside me.  Your wet rain kisses my skin, filling the cracks and crinkles of my parched mind as it soaks into the dark soil grounding my plants, burrowing deep into their roots even as it brushes their upturned faces.

You send a hush over the city, making the land, the traffic, the day-to-day bustle slow down whether it wants to or not.  You wind your way to your fullest expression, clouds gathering in force behind you, a welcome promise of a calm, settled evening.  I watch those dark clouds race across the horizon punctuated by your low grumble that warns the city of your strength, inviting the day to bow before your might.  There will be no late night frolicking or even an afternoon reading on the porch; windows are securely fastened shut, door tightly closed.  Inward I must go. 

Your crackle and light sooth me to sleep late at night, the downpour of rain finding me in my dreams.  I would run out and dance in you, if I could, if it weren't for the thunder and lightning.  I content myself with listening to your wild symphony--the only noise that can draw me away from my book and my place on the couch to simply stare out my window and listen and drift on the song that is my summer monsoons, my healing balm that washes over my soul.

Enchantment Learning & Living is an inspirational blog celebrating life’s simple pleasures, everyday mysticism, and delectable recipes that are guaranteed to stir the kitchen witch in you. If you enjoyed what you just read and believe that true magic is in the everyday, subscribe to my newsletter below for regular doses of enchantment. Want even more inspiration? Follow me on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter. Here’s to a magical life!

Honey Eucalyptus Foot Soak

The only thing better than a long hot bath after moving and unpacking (or helping someone else do it) is a long hot foot soak!  After all, you've been on your feet all day (and night) and sometimes it's nice to slip into jammies, chill on the newly moved-in couch, and dip your feet into a basin filled with Epsom salts and other restorative ingredients.  Your only task then is to not move for a little while, which should be no problem after a day of running around. 

For this recipe, I use Epsom salts which help sooth tired muscles thanks to all the magnesium and other minerals in it.  I also add honey which smooths and softens skin while reducing any inflammation.  The little bit of olive oil moisturizes your feet while the eucalyptus oil energizes them and relieves sore muscles.  Its crisp scent also soothes the spirit.  The only special equipment you need is a big tub or basin to soak your feet.  The best time to use this is at the end of the day after you've unpacked your last box.  Get cleaned up, slip into your favorite PJs, brew a cup of tea, and sit back to enjoy your foot bath!  Of course, it goes without saying that you can easily turn this into a for-real bath--simply pour these ingredients into your bath tub and enjoy. 


1 cup organic honey

1 cup Epsom salts

10 drops eucalyptus essential oils

1 tablespoon olive oil

4-8 cups hot water (depending on how big your basin is)

Combine all ingredients into your tub except the water.  Then fill your container with hot water from your bathtub.  Make sure to test the water first for desired temperature first.  Do not to overfill the tub--the water level will rise once you put your feet in it.  Soak for at least 20 minutes.  Enjoy!

Enchantment Learning & Living is an inspirational blog celebrating life’s simple pleasures, everyday mysticism, and delectable recipes that are guaranteed to stir the kitchen witch in you. If you enjoyed what you just read and believe that true magic is in the everyday, subscribe to my newsletter below for regular doses of enchantment. Want even more inspiration? Follow me on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter. Here’s to a magical life!

On the World's Longest Bubble Bath

It is late--far later than you realized, the clock's hands rapidly making their way towards midnight.  It is no time for a bubble bath, really, but you simply can't shake your need to get lost in hot water and a thicket of frothy bubbles. 

The past few days were a flurry of moving boxes and running errands and whipping up dinner for family as you all worked to help your sister and her husband move into their new home.  You are dizzy from the movement and the inevitable chaos that is moving a person's home box by box into a new space, to be reassembled into relative orderliness.  Happy to help, yes, but now your body craves a hot soak and your mind the quiet of the late night.

As you draw the bath, you relish the hush of your home, the comfort of being surrounded by your things from books you've read or mean to read, and the ones you toy with bringing to your bubble bath only to be discarded on your nightstand--words are too much for you right now.  You enjoy your candles which you light to perfume your home with the scent of lemongrass and the ever-comforting collection of stones and crystals lining your nightstands and desk and shelves--they calm and ground you, centering you back to you.  You even relish putting on your bathrobe speckled with stars on a midnight sky.  It is yours as is this night.

When your bath is ready and piled high with those bubbles you so love, you forsake the robe and sink deeply into your watery haven.  You will not move for some time.  You will listen to the gentle popping of the bubbles and your quiet breathing.  You will savor the heat soaking into your limbs and the bright tang of lemongrass tickling your nose.  You will let the days of moving wash off you like dead skin.  You will make this the world's longest bubble bath, lazily letting the clock's hands circle past midnight and tick-tock towards one, maybe even two.

Enchantment Learning & Living is an inspirational blog celebrating life’s simple pleasures, everyday mysticism, and delectable recipes that are guaranteed to stir the kitchen witch in you. If you enjoyed what you just read and believe that true magic is in the everyday, subscribe to my newsletter below for regular doses of enchantment. Want even more inspiration? Follow me on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter. Here’s to a magical life!